If you want to buy a new car, then it will often be the case that you will need to borrow the money to pay for it. This means that you will need to think about where to borrow the money from. There are fortunately, lots of places where you can borrow money, but it can actually be difficult to decide which ones to use. You may not have borrowed before or you might not know about all the lenders that are available. For example, you may never have heard of online loans.

What are online loans?

Online loans are not offered by traditional lenders and banks which means that there are a lot of people will not know what they are as they may not have used them before. It is always a good idea to know about all types of loans though because you will then be able to choose the most suitable for you. All loans cost money and it can be a good idea to think about this and compare them so that you can get the best value for money from the loan that you have chosen.

The online loan is quite different to a traditional loan for a number of reasons. Firstly, they will lend to people who have a poor credit record which most lenders will not do. This means that even if you have not repaid loans in the past or if you do not make regular payments, you will still be likely to be accepted for the loan. They will also lend money really quickly. They will often be able to get you money within a few hours. This can be useful for anyone who needs money fast or who cannot borrow elsewhere due to a poor credit record.

The loans are set up a bit differently to traditional loans. The repayments are often different, in that you have to repay a lump sum all in one go rather than repaying in instalments. This can be great because it means that the debt is all gone very quickly and you will not have to worry about it anymore. However, it does mean that you will need to find a way of coming up with the money to repay it all in one go. This means you have to know how much you need to repay (what you borrowed plus interest and fees) and when you need to repay it so that you can be organised and make sure you have the money available.

The payment is set up for the day that you are paid so that there is a bigger chance that you have the money available that you need to pay. However, you will need to calculate whether there will still be enough money left to cover all of the bills you normally pay and to cover everything you need for the rest of the month.

Can they be used to buy a car?

Online loans such as those offered by Omacl.co.uk do not have any restrictions in what you can spend them on. This means that if you want to use them to buy a car then you can, you will not get any questions about what it is for. However, there may be other things that could restrict you.

Firstly, the cost of the car. An online lender will tend to lend up to £1000. So, it will depend on how much the car costs as to whether this will be enough money to pay for it. Car vary a lot in cost and therefore it is hard to know for sure until you have a specific car in mind, as to whether this will be enough money or not.

You will also find that there could be a limit on how much you can borrow so you may not be able to borrow a large amount. This is because some lenders will limit what is allowed for first time borrowers. As online lenders do not look at your credit rating, they will be taking a risk when they lend money, in that borrowers may not be able to repay it. Therefore, they will tend to be cautious when they are lending money. They might only lend the first-time borrowers a small amount of money to start with. Then they might lend more once that small amount is repaid successfully. This means that it could be a good idea to check with the lender how much they will be prepared to lend as it could be that they will not be able to lend enough money. Again, it will depend on how much you need as to whether you will be able to get enough. This will also vary between lenders so you will need to check and see whether you will be able to borrow the amount that you need form the lender that you have chosen.

There are lots of things you may be wondering about online loans. You might wonder, for example, whether there are any restrictions on what you can use them for.

Specific restrictions

There are no specific restrictions on what you can use the loans for. With some types of loans you can only use them to buy certain things. An example of this might be if you want to buy a home you would use a mortgage but you would not be able to get a mortgage to buy anything else. There are some loans which are strict with regards to this. With an online loan, the lenders will not investigate what the loan is being used for. This means that you will be able to use it to buy whatever you wish. However, there will be some restrictions because of how much money you can borrow and what you can afford to repay.

Borrowing limits

An online lender does not have limitless amounts of money to lend. This is because they lend to anyone, including people with a poor credit record. As they are lending to people who are less likely to be able to repay the loan, it means that they will not lend them so much money. Then if the loan is not repaid, they will lose less money. It is a way that they can reduce the risk of lending to anyone.

They tend to lend between £100 and £1000. This means that you will be restricted to buying something that costs between these amounts. Therefore, you will not be able to use the loan to buy a house but there are still lots of things that you could afford to buy with that much money. For example, you will be able to afford to pay bills, buy food, or replace a broken fridge. So, it will depend on how much money you need as to whether this will be enough for you.

You may also be restricted further though. Often a lender will only lend smaller amounts of money to first time borrowers. They will want to see whether the borrower is capable of repaying the loan to start with and then they will be happy to lend a bit more. So perhaps they may only lend a few hundred to start with and then they will lend more the next time someone applies if they have repaid on time the first time. This will vary between lenders though and so it could be a good idea to compare lenders to see whether there is one that will lend the amount you want, if it is a large amount.


It is also really important to make sure that you can afford to repay the loan. Often with an online loan you will be expected to repay the loan in one lump sum. This can be great as it clears the loan really quickly and you no longer need to think about it. However, you also need to make sure that you will be able to afford this. You need to think about how much it will cost and whether you will be able to afford it.

To find out the loan cost you should either use the calculator on the lenders website or ask the lender how much it will be. Remember that you will need to repay what you borrowed and the costs and interest. Once you have got this figure you will then be able to look at how much you have available to spend. Think about how much you get paid and whether this will be enough. You also need to consider what else you have to pay out on that day and after the loan is repaid to check whether you will have enough money for all of this. You need to calculate carefully to make sure that you will be able to cope with repaying. If you cannot cope with repaying that amount then you may need to borrow less money and therefore be restricted in what you can buy. Finance magazines such as Focus Mag have articles that delve into the subject a bit deeper.

So, although there are no specific restrictions on spending money, you do need to think about whether you will be able to borrow enough money to buy what you need. You cannot take out several online loans at once and so you will need to compare lenders to find one that will lend you enough money. It is a good idea to think about how much you need first and then find out how much they will be prepared to lend you. If you do find one which will lend you enough money, it is also a good idea to make sure that you will be able to manage the repayments on the loan as well. It is risky to take on a loan that will be difficult to repay so make sure that you are confident that you can do so before you borrow the money.